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Say Leong Lim

Say Leong Lim

Technical Director, CHINT Global & Sunlight Electrical
Er. Lim Say Leong who is also an IEC Ambassador (2018 – 2021) is presently the Technical Director Asia Pacific for CHINT Global & Sunlight Electrical. He has represented Singapore in several significant events, namely at IEC in MT121 for IEC 61439 and as a Policy & Strategy Committee of IECEE - IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes. He was also the Chairperson, TC on Electrical and Info-comm Technology at Singapore Accreditation Council. (SAC), Chairperson, Advisory Committee for Consumer Product Safety Office (CPSO) - Electrical Products, Chairperson, Technical Committee 1 – Electrical & Electronics Products Standards, Committee Member, Electrical & Electronics Standards Committee and SNC (IEC) and Deputy Chairperson, Advisory Committee for Singapore Polytechnic - School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Lim is a Member of Industry Advisory Committee for Singapore Institute of Technology - EPE and EEE.


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