Conference Programme 2024

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Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  1. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  2. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  3. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  4. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  5. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
    Investment and supply chain dynamics play crucial roles in the successful development of data centres in Malaysia and the broader APAC region. This session will explore the intricacies of these factor ...
  6. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
Critical Infrastructure Theatre
  1. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
  2. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
  3. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
    Kawasaki GPS standby turbine generators have served as back-up power solutions since 1976. With over 8000 packages delivered worldwide, they have proven themselves with continued high reliability thro ...
  4. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
  5. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
    Explore an alternative means of distributing chilled water in a data centre environment, delivering energy savings, overcoming balancing issues and giving greater control over the Delta T.
  6. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
    Power Supply Reliability in the Age of AI & Zero Emission Data Center Design; design consideration and opportunities, as customer and community expectations evolve
  7. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
    In the dynamic landscape of digital transformation, data centres play a pivotal role in powering economies and driving innovation. As we look ahead to 2025, we will share several trends that are shapi ...
  8. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  1. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Data center load in on the rise while there is an immense pressure towards sustainability. Reviewing different energy storage techniques which can improve the data center efficiency and environmental ...
  2. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Step through how to drive sustainability in data centers.  This session will cover sustainability commitments, site selection, design,  social value creation, embodied carbon, waste generation, enviro ...
  3. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Southeast Asia’s data centre industry is at a critical tipping point. Rising AI and cloud computing demands are super charging the region’s digital economy, but this has led to a problematic concern o ...
  4. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Discover how Hydroleap's cutting-edge Electrooxidation (EO) technology is transforming cooling tower treatment in Data Centers. This session will delve into the innovative non-chemical approach that e ...
  5. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Talent attraction and retention is a common theme, here I will look at some recent research into this. Also, I will investigate how AI can potentially reduce workloads in data centres. 
  6. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  7. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Emphasizing the importance of preserving optimal Datacentre availability, it is essential to balance this with cost-effectiveness and the achievement of sustainability goals. The United Nations' 2030 ...
  8. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    This topic explores sustainable air cooling solutions designed to enhance efficiency and minimize environmental impact in data centers. It focuses on Electronic Commutation (EC) technology, examining ...
  9. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  1. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping data centers by enhancing efficiency, security, and overall performance. This, in turn, is increasing power densities and the overall power requirements of da ...
  2. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
    Using real world immersion cooling data for AI workloads from Sustainable Metal Cloud (SMC), we take a new look at LV power and cooling systems of GPU AI data centres. We explore a fresh ground up app ...
  3. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  4. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
  5. Data Centre World Keynote Theatre
Critical Infrastructure Theatre
  1. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
    The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence demands unprecedented computational power, fueling the need for AI-optimized data centres. As businesses increasingly leverage AI for critical applications ...
  2. Critical Infrastructure Theatre
Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  1. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    In times where power has to be used in optimal ways with new regulations/standards adding extra complexity, let’s see if they can help each other out. This session will enter a quick dive into our EPD ...
  2. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Data centres are responsible for around 3% of the world’s energy demand, and their energy consumption is only likely to grow as they increase in number and capacity. The phasing out of diesel and othe ...
  3. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    A discussion about Capex and Opex optimization for direct-to-chip liquid cooling solutions and their limits due to a performance centric focus.  
  4. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  5. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  6. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Money spent on assets for power and cooling equipment in a green data center could conservatively be amounted, from 20 to 25% of the total asset. Not a small investment. This talk is to share on the d ...
  7. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries, the demands on data centre infrastructure are intensifying. This session delves into the growing trend of AI, exploring how it sh ...
  8. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Immersion cooling is rapidly emerging as a key component for future-proofed data centres, though opinions vary on the best technologies to use. Synthetic esters stand out with their excellent material ...
  9. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
  10. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    Discover how GRC's immersed Direct Liquid Cooling (iDLC) delivers virtually unlimited chip cooling capacity in single-phase immersion cooling systems.
  11. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    With air cooling maxed out, immersion cooling emerges as the solution with the most compelling TCO for the evolving demands of high-performance computing and ESG regulations. In this presentation, we ...
  12. Efficiency & Sustainability Theatre
    During this session, we'll explore the interplay of risk and opportunity on new data centers and other technology infrastructure developments in community acceptance, ecological/biodiversity, and clim ...

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